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Old 10-22-2020, 06:49 AM   #7
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Posts: 254
Originally Posted by chris138 View Post
These are pretty important to consider. I never launch with my FF installed, always stowed in drybag below deck. So as far as damage to the head unit itself I haven't had too many issues. Not the case with my Raymarine dragonfly several years back, which had water ingress issues just from splashing on the water.

The most common failure mode I have is corrosion of the power supply cable. The Elite Ti units I use have the "red plug" which I will replace every season or 2. The unit wont turn on, and you have to kinda fiddle with the power cable, and often you have to like partway unplug it to get it to turn on when its getting corroded.

The west marine warranty is pretty awesome though, and you're right it should definitely be considered carefully. Another thing to realize is that these devices for sure have a limited lifespan in a kayak application. It's really quite sad, that the companies can't make a fully submersible headunit, with a wireless power supply. Or better yet, why not make one with an internal LiPo like an iPhone and have it charge wirelessly at home. I think it would be pretty easy to have a transducer that used their ANT bluetooth tech and be fully wireless. If Garmin stepped up their fishfinder game to where their watches and submersible GPS devices are, I would change over to them in a HEARTBEAT.
Fully sealed including replaceable battery, wireless charging and fully submersible. Sign me up
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