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Old 05-06-2021, 06:30 AM   #4
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Posts: 198
front hatch bait tank solution

I think I finally found a good solution to using the front hatch as a bait tank without having to drill a hole in the hull. I found a small submersible pump that outputs about 130gallon/hour. It comes with small enough nozzles that I put in the drain hole and at the same time put in another hose for drainage. It needs only 4w and can be powered by a USB port off of a power bank. With a 10,000mah Aukey power bank, it was able to run for about 6 hours continuously. I didn't cut enough holes in the drain hose so I was having some over flow. I think a couple more holes in the hose and it should be good. I got about a dozen medium size Mackerels and they seems to be happy in there.

I found out yesterday that with the front hatch filled with water and my fish bag with 20lbs of ice and full of fish, the front sits really low. The bow was digging into the swell on my way back and I couldn't go very fast. Is anyone else have this problem?
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