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Old 06-05-2021, 03:09 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by JohnMckroidJr View Post
Last Weekend's kayak fishing morning trip produced the following

With Plenty of fish to eat, I had to try more recipes from the Fisherman's belly.

I made a special trip to the Asian market to buy seaweed and passion fruit for the Poke recipes.

First up was Maui Poke

This recipe creates a fantastic blend of flavors that are ridiculously delicious.

One caveat is that seaweeds vary. Mine was taken from a bulk bin that had been heavily salted. Although I triple washed the seaweed as suggested by the merchant, It still came out a bit too salty. I later added cucumber to the mix to dilute the saltiness. Next time I will use less seaweed and soak it for a day to help reduce the saltiness.

Second up was Hawaiian Poke with passion fruit. Since I had plenty of Blackfin Tuna, I used it instead of the more fishy Little Tunny for this recipe.

OMG! This stuff was so delicious!

It was so good, I could not stop eating it, which upset my wife as it was all gone before she had a chance to try it. Later in the year when the Blackfin are scarce, I will do this recipe again with the stronger flavored Little Tunny.

Two more thumbs up for the Fisherman's Belly! Thanks again, Yanni!
Thanks for keeping this forum alive.. Even if from the East coast.. I see you on your West coast knowledge.. thinks for calling Saba out on his smelly palisades shiihhh... must be nice to catch when you’re out on by hobie, right? Once again thanks for being constructive it is so appreciated.. Above that hell yeah on the catch nice king, nice Tuna. Family will be happy 😃
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