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Old 06-14-2021, 03:21 PM   #9
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Huntington Beach, CA
Posts: 428
I always wear my PFD. Nice dry place to keep my phone, clip a VHF radio or GoPro on and store stuff like chapstick, license/ID, snacks, etc. It's really not that bulky and really more of a convenience with all the extra storage. I thought about the inflatable PFD myself, but my biggest reason for wearing a PFD in the first place is the "what if" scenarios out of my control. What if I flip on a launch/landing and get knocked out? What if it's foggy and an ignorant boater runs into me and knocks me out? What if my buddy forgets to open the bail on his coffee grinder and whacks me on the head with a heavy lure and knocks me out? In all these scenarios, I'd probably be unable to inflate the PFD. And as John mentioned, I don't want an automatic one to be going off on me when I'm going through surf or rinsing it down or something. I use the NRS Chinook that I got at OEX with my first kayak. Never leave shore without it.
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