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Old 08-05-2021, 02:05 PM   #1
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Location: Menifee, CA
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Dana Point - 08-04

Took a couple out for a trip yesterday...

Launched around 9am, water temp was 64.3 degrees and dirty green in the harbor, a little chilly but at least the bait would stay alive. (Water was 74 a week or so ago and the sardines died pretty fast) Bait was a combo of small to medium sardines and anchovies. The anchovies didn't las long. Headed out...

Decided to take them south, water there was 63 degrees and a clear, slightly dirty green in the deeper areas, and flat, real nice surface though, flat calm. Lots of debris floating around. Hit the pipeline on the way down, got a couple of bites but couldn't hook them up. Went down a little more and got a few decent bites in that area but again, no hookups. Changed the hook type size after that, bigger and skinnier.

Headed inside around the reefs along the shore and finally got a hookup, a small halibut. Small but big as the young lady got so excited to catch her first fish. A little later her BF got a couple of bass, one legal. Headed back in around 3pm.

The BF called the Wind and Sea restaurant and asked if they could cook the catch, they said yes, $15, I'll have to remember that.

Also, while the BF looked impressive build wise, he wimped out on the peddle back, had to tow him in.
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So long and thanks for all the fish...
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