Thread: LJ: 9/26/21
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Old 09-28-2021, 04:41 PM   #1
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LJ: 9/26/21

Solo trip to LJ on Sunday. Launched at 5am in the dark to minimal swell/surf at low tide. Bait was very hard to come across. Tried different sabikis and even smaller jigs I've had luck with in the past. Only got 2 very small Spanish all day. Trolled one on the Carolina rig while dropping the sabiki on small marks and a jig on larger marks. Ended up catching more rockfish and calico on the sabiki than bait. Did not get what I was hoping for, but still got some variety and got to pull on some fish. Even got a 2-for-1 calico bite on the sabiki which was interesting at least. Didn't keep anything. All rockfish were descended and released at depth since they all wanted to float.
Overall, weather was pretty crappy. Wind wasn't bad, but had rain on and off most of the day. Water temp pretty much stuck around 63-64 on the corner. Not much to write home about, but the coffee stayed hot and it was better than not fishing!
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