Thread: DP Report: 1/9
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Old 01-10-2022, 05:35 PM   #3
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Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Huntington Beach, CA
Posts: 428
Originally Posted by Southwest Kayak Fishing View Post
Hey thanks for the update! It seems like it’s going to be pretty slow until we start to warm up a bit, but at least you managed a few👍

I bet it was pretty cold until the sun came out!😲
The wind usually picks up there around 10:30 making it a pain to get back in from the pipe.

Anthony (OC Outdoorsman) and I hit Doheny beach up on Saturday targeting Halibut. It was a slow day for me but Anthony did pretty well. They were all on the small side with Anthony picking up the biggest at 21”

Hopefully I can get back into the groove and get out there more regularly. Your welcome to join me. Shoot me a message sometime.
You got that right! It was FREEZING until the sun came out! Wet hands from the livewell plus cold offshore gusts made my hot coffee all the more valuable lol

And thanks for the invite! been hitting it solo a lot recently so I might just hit you up on that! I plan to give it another shot next weekend, always nice to have a group to fish with. And if you're planning on making more videos, happy to get some 3rd-person gopro footage for you too!
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