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Old 02-03-2023, 11:19 PM   #6
stevie951's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Riverside
Posts: 431
Not really scary cause I was 24 or so at the time.. O' dark thirty an hour before greyligh we get to deer creek and it sounded like constand thunder.. 6 foot shore pound mabe 3/4's of a second interval.. Mama didnt raise no bitch was the war cry,, two complete washes in the machine 30 minutes, second flip later I couldnt overturn the kayak cause putting pressure on my knee felt like a knife impaling it.. tried to radio the guys outside the surfline to just head out as that was it for me but no luck with the waterlogged radio.. we hit it because the wsb were on and they later send a couple pictures of their bounty

Torn MCL.. luckily everything was tucked in the hatches so no yard sale but yeah,, lugged my shit up those stairs all on my own at sunrise..

talk about walk of shame to drive my self to Kaiser on a Sunday at 5am sandy and soaking.. have some other stories that may or may not include being too inxoicated, flipping while taking a piss and losing a brand new torium/saguro setup among other things that werent leashed or stored.. talk about a horror story
"A Reel expert can Tackle anything "

~Malibu Stealth-14
~Malibu X-13

Last edited by stevie951; 02-03-2023 at 11:26 PM.
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