Thread: Word of the day
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Old 02-15-2023, 04:43 AM   #26
Sea Hunter
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Ya- la Jolla that year was full of hammerheads

Originally Posted by JohnMckroidJr View Post
Wow Mitch,
3 Hammerheads is a lot for one day! I don't think I have seen that many in one day. Usually one or two, one time a huge one alongside, was very humbling.

Yes, The rig is for groupers. The groupers are cautious here. If they see the weight, they get lockjaw. The method is to have 40ft or more leader from the weight. I attach the weight with a rubberband so that it can be pulled off as I reel up.

Out of a dozen tries, I have managed to pull one Grouper out of the wrecks and taken many by-catch species.
The first one I hooked in deep water, right off Scripps pier.
It had about a 2ft hammer and as long as my kayak it took me on a good sled ride. As soon as I pulled it up next to my kayak, I cut the line. My only regrets is after the guy in a pro angler caught up to me, he said he had a go pro we could have got some footage. He couldn't believe how fast and far it pulled me I had no idea. I just kept my pole between my legs and held on. 2ft away is to close for comfort. The other 2 I knew what they were and I just thumb the spool and snapped the line.
I met the other guy that day at the launch and I'm glad we fished together because we both warned each other that a hammerhead was on your tail.
Duke Mitchell
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