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Old 08-02-2023, 04:15 PM   #20
Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Posts: 12
We?ll, in the spirit of a report, I had a great day out in early July, fishing primarily around the corner heading south. There were good swells coming in (with a somewhat challenging launch), lots of birds, and probably 25-30 calicos on a red-nosed, medium sized Rapala. A few small barracuda also. Did not see greenbacks everywhere like I expected. There were yellowtail in the area, but not biting for me. Not like the old days, but would have been a great day anywhere else. Went last Saturday in late afternoon and it was super slow. No waves, like putting into a pool, which made me wonder about importance of current. Met a great San Diego guy in East Cape in June who took me fishing in San Diego bay for halibut during mid-July. Man is he good. Like trout fishing, he reminded of how people who really know there stuff catch a lot more fish. It isn?t luck. He caught 8 or 9 halibut, two legal. No halibut for me. It seems like they have a soft bite compared to other fish. I am hoping for larger Bonita to come into La Jolla in mid-September. I went trolling with an 11 weight fly rod a couple years ago and it was a field day; that is a fun fish to take on a fly rod. Best to everyone!

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