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Old 01-11-2009, 07:09 PM   #6
Looks are everything
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Cardiff by the Sea, CA
Posts: 64
That's so funny you say that. The first mothership trip I ever did I brought my wife "for a Valentines Day gift" and after that she said she'd prefer to choose the "gifts" from then on out. Geez, that was eons ago, but we're still married and I'm still alive and kayak fishing.

We have a killer crew of yak anglers that you will no doubt get along with. As Ice said, this will be new territory and we are pumped. Not new fishing grounds... just new kayak fishing grounds. I don't "expect" crazy things to happen like huge YT or the likes... but if we get good weather, some big lings, reds, etc... and I take everybody's $$$ in poker after dinner, then everything will be just fine

Don't get me wrong... there are always some winter homeguard YT around, so be ready for anything. Believe it or not, I am most looking forward to some toad calicos on light tackle. After 4 years in Hawaii, I actually miss those buggahs!!!
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