Thread: Leo Carillo
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Old 01-12-2009, 07:29 PM   #8
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Orange, CA
Posts: 21

Its a great place. Bring your wheels and launch to the south of the point unless the bigger sets are coming in. The the north side is a shore break and timing is critical but you dont have to battle 2-3 sets. Right in front of the launch area "the stairs" its all cobble stones with some really sneaker boilers so be careful. Down the beach to the south its a bit better and the boilers are easier to see, plus you are out of the lineup that way.

Go south about 1/4 - 1/3 mile to the reef and area called Zero's you'll know you are there when you are directly offshore the road that falls off the cliff. That whole area is fishy with shallow water rockies, bass and butts and a good showing of blacks lately so be careful. My first ever kayak WSB came there on Christmas Eve about 10 years ago. Deeper out off the launch in about 100 or more there is all you can want DAbs. Go north about 2 miles to County Line / Deep Hole for more structure than you can fish in a weekend. Bring squid, the nearest market at Trancas canyon does not have fresh and the nearest tackle store "Whileys" (spelling) is about 8 miles down the coast but always has a good quality frozen bait.

For camping they have great showers and facilities but bring quarters and shower early they water is solar heated and gets cold at night and in the morning. The little store on site is near useless but good for a quick fix soda or candy bar. It does get a bit cold in the AM and the wind will often haul ass down the canyon in which the camp ground is situated. If you have small ones there are tadpoles, crayfish and frogs in the creek right along the camp ground. Hmmmm dont say I told you so but the cray fish make great sheepshead bait.

Have a great time and let us know how the fishing is.

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