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Old 01-22-2009, 02:27 PM   #40
screaming reel
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 24
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Yes Darkhorse, you are the man! Your right, I am not worthy to share my feelings about anything, apparently. Yes, I am dumb, uneducated, and I slept with the PETA president last night. I have never caught a WSB, or yellowtail for that matter. I have only caught bluegill in the pond back home. Oh yes, anger problem also. In fact when you become a guide I would like to hire you so I can learn how to fish, and maybe you can also educate me on being a productive member of our internet family. Also, you can help me with my obvious problem about thinking that a baby is not as important as a yellowtail. It was a bizarre analogy.

Dude, you are arrogant though. I have heard this from several people. Kinda got a chip on your shoulder. Actually a brick.

I got to say though, you sure can fish!

The bottom line is that I like breaking your balls, and others that seem to take this site so seriously, and to think they are a flippin expert on everything under the sun. I think it is pretty funny that everyone gets so fired up about a comment posted on the internet.

I promise, I will be better and I will not say anything that is not nice any more. I will now go put myself in time out.

I am so, so sorry.
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