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Old 02-06-2006, 09:06 AM   #7
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 61
Hmmmmm from someone who is experienced at taking pictures out at sea, I think you have 2 maybe 3 options.

1.) Buy a cheap one like Iceman Andy did. You won't reget the amount of money you spent if it was to get destroyed. House it in a pelican box and it should last you a long time. Remember to dry your hands before taking it out and snapping a picture. Great idea! If the conditions are rough you would be less inclined to pull it out and take a pic of that kodak moment.

2.) Get the Pentax waterproof camera, or any waterproof camera. There are no moving parts which is what makes it a waterproof camera. A little more $$$. Still store it in a Pelican box and dry your hands before taking pictures. You can use these cameras in any weather and get that kodak moment to share for everyone.

3.) There are weatherproof camera's (not waterprrof) I hear that work pretty good.

I own a FujiFilm camera and stored it in a Pelcan box. My problems started when I had to use gloves out at sea. ( Skin problem ). When I pulled out the camera my gloves were wet and one day got the camera wet. From my experience, FujiFilm has horrible service.

Anyways, since your out in the water, the chances of getting the camera wet is pretty high.

If I was to do it over again I would have bought the Pentax waterproof camera with a 3 year warranty. Get an extended warranty if you plan on using it out at sea. The warranty will pay for itself.

One other note: Digital cameras don't last forever. If you were to take perfect care for them, they might last 4 years. Use them out at sea and expect them to last even less. That is why I say get the extended warranty. I had my FujiFilm camera for 1 year and now it is broken. There goes $400. The camera broke right after the warranty ran out. Live and learn.

Confused on what to get?

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