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Old 01-27-2009, 06:49 AM   #8
tthor's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 21
This is another example of the narrow mindedness of the (Surfrider Foundation) or in this case Surfline backing a measure that will effect all waterman and in the long run may bite them in a$$. I have been fishing La Jolla since the 80's, starting on a long board moving to a fishboard/windsurfer with a milkcrate and then to a kayak in 1993. After a brief hiatus from kayak fishing from the late 90's to about three years ago, I have gotten back into kayak fishing. Yes, I was shocked to see how many people have gotten into the sport, but I also believe the fishing is better. This due to the fact that as Josh mentioned above the gill net ban, seasonal closures on certain species and that sportfishermen also conserve the resource via catch and release. Not to mention the Hubbs WSB hatchery program. I see many threads with Threshers, YT's and WSB's being released and rarely see any Calico's kept. As a long range fisherman, I saw the same thing happen in 2002 when two weeks prior to leaving on a 16 day trip, the Mexican government pulled the permits to fish the Revillagigedo Islands. Again, sportfishermen were punished for the illegal commerical fishing of the islands. After seeing the MLPA closures to the north, hopefully the closures can be stopped before we lose La Jolla and Point Loma. Being new to the board, this was not the topic I expected to be my first post.

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