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Old 02-04-2009, 04:24 PM   #4
Billy V
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Let us know how it works out for you.

For what its worth....
On my last Hobie kayak I used Marine Goop to mount the transducer. It worked ok to find bait, and provided barely acceptable readings up to 200 ft.
You will not know if you have trapped air bubbles until you remove the transducer. I was careful during my installation, but the goop cures too fast and traps air bubbles.

The slow cure epoxy stays fluid and allows any trapped air bubbles to rise to the top and dissipate.

When I removed it at the time of sale I found this:

On my new Hobie kayak I used a slow cure epoxy to mount the transducer. The difference in performance was remarkable. I can follow my iron to the bottom easily. I can also see it clearly with the slightest movement of the rod tip.

I regularly compare to my FF to a friends (Jason), who uses an in hull mount, with the transducer mounted in a foam compartment and immersed in water. Our readings seem the same.

Jason has since mounted his transducer using slow cure epoxy. We'll let you know if there is any difference after its tested out next week.
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