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Old 02-06-2009, 03:44 PM   #6
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 49
to Buddha Bahia Asuncion

Buddha. I was there for two weeks this last October with kayaks. and loved the place and you will too. I fished the panga with Juan three times. My wife and I fished yellow tail for the first two hours with iron on a reef up by San Pablo. the fish were 12 to 20 pounds with 15lbs being the normal fish. 6x jr and 7x jr in blue and white. Use heavy string I use 50 pound P line these fish are not line shy and you want to horse them off the reef with a tight drag. after that went trolling for tuna off the coast of San Pablo ceader plugs and mexican feathers worked for us and do not forget black and purple feathers and black and purple rapalas cd 18 think big even the small fish hit the bigger plugs down there. I mostly fish for the calicos out of the kayaks what a blast you catch alot 6lb calicos with a chance of gettting a 10lb fish. root beer swim baits and plain white do not need fancy colors and bring lots of them. you will loose alot to the rocks. I used 20lb. P line for the calicos to horse a way from the rocks. Do not expect any thing fancy there This an old Mexican town. The people there treated us very well there. My wife and I are going back this fall again and you can e mail Juan and Shari they will happy to answer any questions that you have. Good luck and I hopes this helps. Jim
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