Thread: Wow!!!!
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Old 04-01-2005, 05:27 PM   #5
Paddle for Mahi
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Boy, you've been had!!

Andy, are your rods still for sale on Ebay? :twisted:

A slight off shore breeze and yesterdays news had some questioning the launch.


There were no clouds out there today, crystal clear and beautiful, chamber of commerce weather as my old neighbor Ernie used to say. It felt like summer out there.

Bait hard to find, the fishing was slow.

Then I got the call from Nelz, the news kind of woke my up.

I remember seeing the half day boats way out in rockfishville, however never inside. I was at the three mile N/W corner and one could have slipped by.

When Nelz called I was doing a drift by the "53" spot on my GPS, right where Lamb, Slayrider and Lit-One all caught hali's with in a stones throw of each other in a ten minute span back in January (Epic).

Pat's spot is not far from there.

Had a Spanish on the bottom and was firing the iron non-stop, all for naught.

Perpetuated the hoax on shore to couple of Ex drivers from Long Beach.

Good one Pat, it will take some time for most of us to get that big ol' siwash out of jaw bones. ops:

Still loved the story and was hoping that you some how managed to sink the Dolphin, with her A-hole Capitan still on board. :twisted:

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