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Old 02-16-2009, 09:11 PM   #6
Olivenhain Bob
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Location: Olivenhain, CA
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Many years ago, upon graduating from college, I was dumped into the World during a recession almost as bad as the one we are in now. Having an expensive diploma but no useful job skills, I moved to Park City, Utah and became a ski bum for a couple of years. I worked in one of the local ski shops and could go skiing nearly every day, if I wanted to. One of the important things I learned while living there was what I now call the "Local's Law"... Just because you can go skiing, does not mean that you should go skiing.

Over time I learned not to hit the mountain on weekends, holidays or during bad weather. If the lifts opened at 8:00, I would typically show up around 10:00 when things warmed up a bit and conditions were at their best. The exception being those days when I could be one of the first ones up the lift after a major showfall, making first tracks through a couple feet of fresh power.

This logic applies to kayak fishing as well. Many of us can probably figure out a way to get out on the water nearly any time we want. For some, (the Darkhorse comes to mind), this translates into the development of superior fishing skills. For the rest of us mortals, it means that we can pick and choose when we want to go fishing.

For me, that means not trying to launch when the surf is up and not trying my luck, (and risking my life) during dangerous weather conditions. There is, of course, and exception here as well. The day that word gets out that the squid have shown up and the big YT and WSB are feeding in La Jolla, all logic gets thrown out the window.

Apparently the McClurgs are either not Locals or have not been informed about the Local's Law. I am glad that no one was hurt as a result of this incident. Unfortunately, if this sort of thing happens often enough, the "Authorities" may feel compelled to try to protect some of us from our own stupidity. That means new rules and regulations. This would not be a good thing.

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