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Old 02-18-2009, 05:03 AM   #17
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Why not just return the area to its original state? By building the wall to create the children’s pool the city has messed with the natural order of things. Was an ecological impact study done on this site prior to the building of the wall? I don’t think they really thought about that sort of stuff back in 1930’s when Ellen Browning Scripps donated the funds to build the sea wall and now we have to deal with the aftermath.
Mr Mayor Tear down the wall!
The ocean comes back to the cliff and there wouldn’t be a need for a huge life guard tower as it will no longer be a swim place. Even for SCUBA diving it has been relatively unsafe because of the heavy rip currents.
Personally I don’t use the area. I have taken out of town friends there to see the seals and usually we can’t stay too long for the smell is so bad. I could care less either way but it seams to me that spending a couple of hundred thousands to remove the wall now will save the city millions in the long run.
That’s my 2 pennies.
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