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Old 03-06-2009, 09:01 PM   #5
BRTF...bought & paid...
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Thanks Paul for tackling this battle.

I don't think they have seriously thought about the potential monetary ramifications involved, I tend to think those involved are only looking at their agenda and not the big picture.

Where is the funding going to come from to enforce regs, and who shall they target first?

Boaters? Yakkers? Spearers? Coastal surf anglers?

That would be alot of ground to cover.

I remember years ago (many years) seeing persons hitting Sunset Cliffs at low tide, reaching under rocks, with plastic bags, filling them. DFG couldn't control them then, how are they supposed to monitor the masses with their current plan?

To me, it seems as if they have a controlled agenda, and not thought out very well. There has to be a give and take mentality for the benefit of all parties involved, one which would appease the parties involved.

I seriously doubt that they are seeing the big picture. I think it is more of an ego type mentality, they want to get their way. And if they don't, they'll take their ball and go home...

Gaffer for Clay the Fishcatcher
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