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Old 03-09-2009, 08:58 PM   #7
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Patriotic question

First of all, no fair, Taps was not part of the original question, but it was added and I can't even think of Taps without thinking of my fathers' military funeral. I simply can't hear Taps and not cry. It's beautiful to me.
In answer to your question Dorf, I will relate a short, and possibly funny story. Just recently, my wife, Belen and I made a deal with each other that I would give up caffeinated soda for Lent and she would not buy anything from QVC. We're not very religious, it was more of a challenge. Anyway, my wife didn't last long and was feeling guilty, and she asked me, "Do you think Jesus would forgive me?" My answer was, "Of course he would".
Dorf, should you continue to show respect even though a fish might be calling while you are at attention? It's a good question. I would let the fish be until morning colors finished, then pull him in if he was still there. It's just one fish.
How does my story relate? I think everyone who is serving and has served would understand if you couldn't wait and pulled him in a bit sooner. They would forgive you. If you got bit hard and in your excitement fought the fish during colors, in my opinion it would in no way diminish your patriotism. Your service proves you are a Patriot. I know I can get long-winded. That's my opinion.
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