Thread: Ghost Fever...
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Old 03-25-2009, 06:51 AM   #16
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Chicken dinner...

Three types of kids go to a magic show:

The first type is the gullable kid; they love the show, they think the magic is really magic, they cheer the magician.

The second type is the kid who knows the magic isn't magic, but craft, and that kid too enjoys the show, but for what it is, entertainment. He too appluads the magician. What a showman!

The third type is the insecure kid; the one who sits in the back, muttering 'oh, that's just a trick, I can do that, I know how he does that, that lion dosen't have teeth, that bird is fake...' but is really jealous of the showman. Really wishing he had the guts and talent to do his own show, but knowing inside he has neither.

Funny, that third kind of type always goes to the magic show anyway...

Gotta love psuedo-intellegent people who propose a riddle, and then never give one. Who criticize the magician, and can't do a show of their own.

Food for thought,
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