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Old 04-07-2009, 06:08 PM   #6
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 12
Greetings Gents...I am the new guy. Wow, had a great late afternoon and evening. Caught quite a few spotties on the south side of bridge piling '9'...saw another yakker fishing the East side of the mooring area so thought I would go pick his brain a little. Starting to learn quite a bit and thought I should start to head in. Thats when the "occupant" of the Reggea Wave decided to go absolutely psycho on me. If I remember right it is the furthest East and second from the bridge Catamaran looking sail boat with a Cujo looking dog for a partner. He had been watching us for quite sometime before he decided to pick a fight. Actually calling me "tough guy" to try and provoke me. I recommend staying clear. I have a few emails in to the owners of the mooring and the Harbor police to see if I can track down the rules and regulations of the mooring. Does anyone know if we are able to go in and out of there?

Anyway, great evening aside from that altercation.

Sherm, I caught three more on a drift along the wall north of the beach.

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