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Old 03-01-2006, 08:16 PM   #1
Holy Mackerel
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LJ 3-1-06 PM Shift conditions/buggin'

Water was moving when I launched at 4:30ish. Seemed to be moving downhill swift all night. Wind, and chop was a little rough, surf 1-3. Thought wind, chop, waves would sit, but it only got worse. It was difficult to paddle upwind, and white caps could be seen. Crawl was slow, released about 5 shorts. Ken released a couple of sharks as well. We both got skunked, paddled in to some mean ocean conditions... I was at about 6.5 on my technical meter, considering there was very little moon for lighting as well. Just booked it in, when a 3ft wave picked up my stern, and as much as I fought to not get on, it didnt matter, steep wave, looked back at my nets, saw them engulfed in white water, but although a nice wave landed upright & dry. On land, I told Ken, I wish someone would have seen that landing, he had a similar landing. Probably will be looking under water next buggin trip.... Good luck to the AM fishing shift, hope conditions change because it was nasty out there!

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