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Old 04-30-2009, 07:50 AM   #86
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 754
I have a lot to say this morning, so please forgive the back to back posts.

The MLPA planning process continued unabated yesterday. Although hampered by the ever-changing data, MJ and I did our best to represent kayak fishing interests. I can't say how it went, not because I've been muzzled. I only know what took place right in front of my eyes, in a group of about 8 stakeholders. That was mixed.

I want you to hear two messages.

1) Preserving access to La Jolla will be a difficult, uphill battle. If we are to have any chance of success, YOU BETTER TURN OUT AT THE MEETINGS FROM HERE ON OUT. Don't be surprised if the other side starts showing up in force.

Can't go? Then please donate to the PSO and keep our lobbyist in the game. Go here for details:

Direct link to the PSO donation page:

I may have a second organization to recommend very soon, as it is nearing the time to raise money for any eventuality.

2) Other groups in the fishing community have been offered incentives to trade away all or part of La Jolla in return for concessions elsewhere. Because I have actively campaigned for solutions that balance impact between fishing groups, our friends are unlikely to turn on us. Especially if we are LOUD, PROUD, AND IN EVIDENCE AT THE MEETINGS. In spite of my confidence in our friends, we have to put in our own work.

Consider this my personal thank-you to all those kayak anglers who made the trip to Oxnard. Most of the guys arrived early, and suffered through the marathon meeting along with me and MJ. That was top shelf, and I don't blame you one bit for hitting the road after public comment. If I could have, I'd have been right on your heels. I'm only sorry you didn't see the debate that followed delivery of the delay letter. I'm proud to know all of you, especially Clay. At 9 years old, you are already one formidable guy. Everyone else on this board may be taller, but today, we're all looking up at you.
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