Thread: 5/16 am T
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Old 05-16-2009, 03:40 PM   #1
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5/16 am T

Was slow trolling across the canyon this morning when I spotted a slight glimpse of a tail slicing the surface water. Next heard the familiar tail wack (short zing) and 5 seconds later I was on and Mr T was thrashing the surface water like a mad man. 1 hour later and 2 1/2 miles closer to the Big Island I brought this beauty to the side of my kayak. Scared and excited for landing a very decent T, I grab his tail and held on for life.
About a half hour later I managed to wave over a PBer (5 guys on board) who were life savers helping me bleed the beast and tie him to the top of my kayak. The PBers took lots of pictures I'll post when I get them. I estimated the weight at at least 125lb. Not my first T but my first to keep, and now my last.
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