Thread: 5/17 Brown Camo
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Old 05-18-2009, 06:55 AM   #5
blackcloud9's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Big Rock, WindanSea, La Jolla
Posts: 413
Seeing her come to color was a heart-stopper for sure. But since
panicking is not allowed on my boat, I gaffed her on the first swing,
and she sat there looking up at me going, "now what?"

I got lucky that she didn't go super crazy, she was kinda "chill'n"
actually to start with.

Since I didn't have my big fish bat with me, I gingerly pedaled over to the
closest PB who helped out with "calming her down" in exchange for a
picture of his little boy with the halibut. Thanks Jack.

The bright orange "stream machine" is for kayak water fights and/or
washing the deck down on the water before the blood and slime dries ...

After wrestling with this big slimy thing for pictures, I looked like I'd been
barfed on by an ALIEN - from head to toe. Well worth it!

The blue boat bumper was orpaned in the middle of the kelp. (?) I went to
check it out, no ropes on it so I consdered it litter and kept it for the kids.

She only weighed 21 pounds, 43 inches, I'll have to get that scale checked!
.[Edit] OK, seemed a lot heavier, she was over thirty pounds, dang scale!

More pix @

Here's me almost tipping over ---
(Tipping is not just a city in China!)

Here's how you pedal in ----
(Who needs a game clip when you got a trout stringer?!)

Last edited by blackcloud9; 05-18-2009 at 09:00 AM.
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