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Old 06-04-2009, 05:45 PM   #7
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That was enlightening and very cool to hear all of the passion from the kayak fishing community.

Paul, Tman, and Kurt really nailed their message, WTG! As did many others.

I found it interesting that the 3 Surfrider employee's who spoke all asked for more time for the science to catch up, and stated that they were not for or against proposal "C".

I talked to all three of them and I was encouraged to hear that while they do support the notion of creating MPA's, the process is not buku and they were officially stating that a proposal that whacks all of Laguna (these were from the HQ and Orange County Chapters) was not acceptable as ~40% of their members were also fisherman, including the guy I was talking to. I got their cards and I will continue to follow up on their position and involvement going forward.
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