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Old 06-09-2009, 10:33 PM   #1
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(MLPA) One more time--We need to own this expectation issue or we'll lose big


I apologize for the repetition, but this is a critical issue. Please help spread it among our people.

We need help with owning the issue, both online and offline, of sustainable fishermen as peaceful/non-confrontational. This is our #1 challenge going into the home stretch.

There is a lot of chatter online and at the MLPA meetings implying that the non-fishing side is feeling intimidated, and the implication is that the fishermen are the intimidators. This is the cynical expectation game being played, and we need to actively manage it.

While there is no evidence to support this claim, what is being attempted is to set a false expectation. It is repeated with unsubstantiated "feeling of intimidation" and general allegation of mob-like behavior or dress.

The moment an incident occurs (and statistically, with this many people involved and with such high emotion involved, the odds are some isolated incident will occur. Not a matter of if--it's a matter of when), then the expectation is turned into disastrous public perception for our side.

We need to proactively manage this expectation game both online and at the public meetings. Otherwise, if/when the expectation is set and a public perception is created, when the MLPA staff, the BRTF, the SAT team, the RSG. or DFG sees a large fishermen public speaking crowd, the mob perception will overshadow the reality that this is a diverse group of people sacrificing their time and money to show up and participate.

Remember also that our gains have been made by forming allies with the RSG and public members sitting on the fence. This is what has swung things in the moderate direction, often by a very thin margin of support. That's what we have accomplished by pouring out our hearts and working hard in the past six months. If we are not perceived as the "good guys" going forward, this support could evaporate, and we are left with a steep hill to climb again.

This is what the other side is really hoping to achieve.

How do we respond?

First, don't let this perception dominate online discussions. You can't let it go unanswered. Actively manage it by pointing out that sustainable fishing interests are very proactive in counseling their public attendee members to be civil, non-confrontational, and respectful. If someone implies that fishermen are intimidating or they need some "safe haven" to discuss, ask them for evidence that would substantiate their implied or explicit allegations. There is none. If you don't respond and help balance out the discussion, the false expectation of fishermen-as-intimidator will be set, and all that is needed to turn the false expectation into a public perception is one or a few isolated incidents.

Second, don't let this perception be perpetuated at meetings. I would counsel actively avoid engaging in any manner members of the non-fishing interests. Just let them be. If you have to engage, plenty of smiles and be ready to let things roll off and walk away.

Third, we not only have to talk the talk, we have to walk the walk. Don't do anything to give them that one isolated incident. They are waiting for it. We can't ask you enough, or emphasize enough, the damage that can be done if you give them that ammo. Do not confront, counter, or act in any way that can be construed as even remotely confrontational. Smile, smile, smile, and walk away. Until we own the expectation game (and we are behind right now), we need to stay gandhi on the whole thing.

We have motivated and we have mobilized. We now have the numbers. They are behind, and they know it. They simply do not have the support of the public as we do, at the same level of sacrifice that we do. They are trying to marginalize it, and are working hard at painting the fishermen numbers as a mob crowd. We need to avoid collateral damage that would jeopardize all the work that has been put it in.

P.S. The reason for this second post on this issue is the urgency and criticality of this issue to our side. It is our greatest challenge--I shyt you not. Many people at all levels have continued to express concerns and, for some, disgust at the attempt being waged by some on the non-fishing side to paint fishermen with this tar. We need to be smart, proactively own this issue when we still have time and no incidents have yet occurred.

Thanks for your help both online and offline in countering this expectation game. Don't let this cynical game be waged on us without actively responding to it--civilly of course-- and setting our own expectation.

Thank you for letting me post on this critical issue again.
A spearo, but we are in this MLPA mess together
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