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Old 07-01-2009, 10:14 PM   #6
BRTF...bought & paid...
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Touching on the subject of water clarity, which this whole process is based on, a reserve cannot be implemented where there is a sewage pipe.

However, as I was told, there are varying degrees as to what constitutes a legitimate essence, if it is considered major or minor.

For example, I brought up the Sol Beach/Cardiff area. The Sol Beach/Cardiff area does have an outpipe, and a couple of years ago, not only was it extended, but with the help of a boat with a crane and boats with boulders (not rocks, boulders) they were dropped to lodge the pipe in place. (Quite a sight actually)

With that being said, look for areas that have sewage pipes as being areas that should be exempt, or be considered as exempt, depending if they are major outflows or minor ones...

The Marine Planners need our input, they are not local to our areas...we need to inform them on what our coastline actually looks like from an on-the-water perspective, from people who've spent time plying their local waters...

Gaffer for Clay the Fishcatcher
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