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Old 07-03-2009, 08:08 AM   #19
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Posts: 92
I carry my kayaks on a Jeep but I often drive a more economical car to work and other places. So, I would not necessarily say the parking lot was representative of the attendees. It is unfortunate if the MLPA process develops into an us against them situation with some taking the "enviros vs. fishermen" stance. I think this approach sells the fishermen’s input short. I have always contended that fishermen are one of the most knowledgeable groups of "enviros" there is. They have firsthand knowledge of the water, probably have better knowledge of many aspects of marine life than do many biologists due to their interaction and pursuit of their quarry, and they have an extreme stake in preserving both the habitat and the populations of the fish and other organisms that they pursue. I think of fishermen as the real deal conservationists in the same league as the volunteer divers who replant the kelp. Fishermen are not the wannabees that only know from looking out their cliffside window or who refuse to trace the food that they eat to its real source.

I am a fishermen and I am for conservation of our marine life and for preservation of our right to fish.

We need to take action to preserve and restore our marine life and marine habitats. This action must not ban our right to recreational fishing. I think recreational fishermen should continue to be the conservationists I know them to be. Just look at the ideas offered by fishermen above regarding closing and restoring the dirty areas. Those types of ideas restore my faith that fishermen are "enviros"!
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