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Old 07-28-2009, 07:42 AM   #13
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Hey i wanna pipe in with my two cents(not cool enough for ".02" yet. I'll get there, I just know it)

It's not an Alaskan Halibut. For one thing josh is wearing a dress shirt and lite waders and is soaked. Now i'm no "meteor" "ologist" but Alaska's water temp, even in summer is in the low 50's. Too cold for that gear.

The photo's not doctored. Flash photography in lower light, on a moving subject, with a slower shutter speed can make all sorts or weird things happen, including a drop shadow on objects that shouldn't have one.

Occum's Razor comes to mind. "the simplest explanation is best". He's just better than you. Get over it. Someone has to be the best and it's not you, or me for that matter.
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