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Old 08-15-2009, 01:45 PM   #4
Fiskadoro's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2009
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Now that's an interesting post...

I used to run a 56 Ocean pretty much identical to this one.....

.......out of Marina Del Rey. There is long portion of the channel that had a ten or possibly now eight knot limit between the main harbor and outer breakwall, and since the power lanes are narrow on each side and the kayakers usually stick to the sides this put us in close proximity to kaykers.

Like you we put out a huge wake at certain speeds. I never dumped anyone but there were some close calls, especially with the small sabot fleet that frequents MDR.

What I did is played with my speed and throttle settings until I found the best wake pattern with the least height to it, and then used it coming and going. For us it was around six and a half Knots. I know that seems slow but when your only going a less then a mile there is very little real time ETA difference between 6.5 and 9.5 knots, and it was worth it to us for safety reasons to take the extra time.

Kudos to you for stopping, lots of guys would of just kept going, but your describing a potentially dangerous situation with lots boats in the area, and to me it sounds like you were going to fast.

By law any boat traveling in a harbor is legally responsibility for damage caused by their wake, no matter what speed they are traveling, speed limits in harbors are suggestions but it's the responsibility of the operator to keep his boat at a safe speed in relation to conditions, and others on the water.

Additionally the fact he was not wearing his jacket is irrelevant as far as your actions are concerned, his safety is his business. Lots of Bay yakkers are newbies with little experience but you're the one that's running your boat, and who needs to behave reasonably. If it had been a dog on a surfboard, or even a floating telephone pole out there it's your job to avoid it not the other way around. Not only for your boats protection but also for liability as your boat can do a lot more damage then a kayak, surfboard or even telephone pole.

Trust me I hear where you're coming from, I've been right there.

My pet peeve was outside the harbor where small private boats would pull right directly in front of me and then stop for a halibut drift while I'm cruising at 20 knots on Autopilot.

With sixty thousand pounds of inertia, and my two Detroit's spooled up what could I do?

If I tried to slow down and make a wide turn I'd wake the holy hell out of them. If kept on at speed and just avoided them, I'd have to pass within maybe twenty feet of them at speed, and they'd still get a sizable wake, not to mention just be scared silly.

I finally learned the thing to do was just throttle down to almost nothing, just enough power to keep steerage and coast to almost to a stop.

That lead to some interesting exchanges let me tell you.

When 56 super sport coasts to a stop within twenty feet of your boat... well people take notice.... LOL

My favorite thing to do then was just idle up along side, lean out of the fly bridge and the say: "Don't do that!!!" "That's not very smart!!!" Talk about some sheepish looks... LMAO

Like I said: I hear where you're coming from and Kudos to you for stopping or even having the guts to come on this board to post about it. That said keep in mind that there are a lot of boaters and yakkers out there without that much experience, and they certainly do not know what is involved or understand just how difficult it is to run a boat of your size, and ultimately you're responsible for your boat, it's wake and any damage it causes. If in doubt you should always slow down.

So what are you running in that thing? Twin Detroits, 2X300 gallon tanks? About 2 grand to fill it up?

You might want to consider replacing the guys gear, or at least offer to buy him a rod or two. At less then 10% of your fuel bill it's not going to kill you and will sure do a lot for your rep, and make you look like a stand up guy.

I didn't own the 56 Ocean above nor could I afford the fuel to run it, but just ran it for the owner. If it had been us that's the exact advice I would of given him in the same situation, and if I was at the wheel I'd of then told him to take it out of my pay.

That's just my take.


Last edited by Fiskadoro; 08-15-2009 at 07:22 PM.
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