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Old 08-15-2009, 03:52 PM   #6
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 118
It takes two to create a collision or accident. I fish way out in the mouth of the bay on my kayak. I leash my equipment and wear a pfd, and am always watching what the big boats are doing. Let's see cruise liners, aircraft carriers, various military vessels, yachts and ya hoos galore go through there some screaming since it's a ways back to the dock.
The sportfisher said he didn't see the guy, "he popped out from behind a boat." He went back and was so concerned he posted here. Yes he could have been more careful but so could the yaker. Nobody was injured and lessons learned. I think this incident and post should serve as a safety reminder. It sucks for the guy who lost his stuff, but who hasn't lost equipment off a yak. Just the cost of doing business.
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