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Old 08-17-2009, 10:35 AM   #17
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WT? What was he thinking

Originally Posted by Tranquility View Post
Some of you guy's are pretty funny. I posted here as a sign of good faith and now there are those here who want to hunt me down.

Fact is that this was an unfortunate incident. We were positioned to the right of mid channel but well within the limits of the bouy's. It's not like I charge around with no regard for the little guy. Quite the opposite as a matter of fact. I've been witness to the mayhem a large boat can cause and we operate accordingly. That's why I posted here in the first place.

For those that took my post as it was intended. Thank you. For those that took it as an opportunity to point the finger of blame and scorn, so be it. Rational conversation tends to solve more problems than throwing the iron at someone.

Think what you want about the guy's in the big boat but remember that some of us are on your side.
Some vessels have certain rights of way, sail boats and non-motorized vessels have special right of way because they are not powered by an engine.

In any congested inlet, harbor or channel, why would you want to stay and fish in harms way to begin with? You are taking yourself a putting yourself in harms way. Powerboats especially at that size cannot stop, or even turn on a dime, so why venture out there to begin with?

Its like these numbskulls that think that there is a lane between the HOV and fast lane…buzzing past you, scaring the crap out of you going 80 mph. And when they do get it! It not their fault.

What are you thinking? No PFD? Out in the middle of a cattle drive…I think the yakker was very lucky just to have lost “fishing” gear and not his neck!
An way to go on coming about to check his welfare!
Malibu Johnny
must catch fish

Last edited by MalibuJohnny; 08-17-2009 at 10:36 AM. Reason: None
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