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Old 08-30-2009, 07:36 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Rancho Cucamonga
Posts: 753
First real post!

I have been waiting a long time to post to Big Waters Edge with something other than fishing equipment or a kayak for sale. Two weeks ago I thought I might actually get the chance after hooking up with a nice fat YT in La Jolla. After a somewhat lengthy battle in the rain and rough seas, I lost the beast right at the moment my buddy was going to gaff him. Such a disappointment.

Well, yesterday I met up with a friend of mine in the OC who persuaded me we should try fishing for Threshers. I have never fished for Threshers before and to be honest, I was somewhat apprehensive about the whole shark fishing thing. After all, I had seen pictures of the Thresher’s he had caught previously, and that’s a whole lot of fish to put on a kayak. What's more, I heard you actually have to gut those monsters. Not the simple ‘butt’ or ‘tuna’ filleting or trout cleaning process. So, after about 20 minutes of fly lining a Greenie (deep down I was hoping I wouldn’t hook up with one), my clicker starts going crazy. I let it run for a second or two and then nail the drag lever on the Avet and bam, the fight is on. Honestly, there are no words that immediately come to mind to describe the exhilaration I felt when he broke the surface and entertained us. I can only sum it up with “that was the biggest kick in the nuts I have ever had”. I fought him for roughly 30-45 minutes, brought him to the side of my kayak, admired my adversary for a few seconds and then released him to fight another day. I wished the &^%$ I had a camera.
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