Thread: MLPA Maps
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Old 09-11-2009, 06:57 AM   #18
BRTF...bought & paid...
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All that you read is true, we need more presence...getting down to crunch time.

Baytubers showed up in force, and it has gotten to the point that they know us by name. I was even asked where Clay was...

Now why is that?

Is it because they are used to seeing the regular faces so much, that even Tyler got complimented on his speech, or that Mr. Ken Wiseman even said that he recognized alot of the names?

We need presence, BOTTOM LINE.

We all have plenty of time to prepare for the next meeting. Or would you rather be punked by some blue shirted environmentalist who speaks passable English at best, while he rants that the "MLPA process works"?

Or the blue clad smiley faced female that wants to preserve the 'surf grass'? Ask Kiyo on that one...

Our reps have worked their arses off for us, with no pay.

Think about that. Now think about it some more...

This is not some fly by night gets reviewed in 5 years...with no guarantees...

Gaffer for Clay the Fishcatcher
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