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Old 09-14-2009, 08:06 AM   #1
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Moyer Tournament yellowtail

I fished the Steve Moyer Memorial Kayak Tournament this weekend. Launched with my wingman Spyder at the shotgun start at 5;30. Off we went in the dark to get bait. I couldn't see squat and got hit by a wave across the bow that got me pretty wet. I remember thinking to myself......I sure hope this isn't a sign of things to come.

Jim and I went and made the right kind of bait pretty easily. We hung around that area and then decided it was time to make a move. Jim hung around for a bit and I started the LONG paddle to the spot I wanted to try. I waited for Jim to paddle in behind me but I didn't see him and he wasn't answering his phone. I kept going and finally arrived at the spot.

I had a couple baits get messed up on the paddle over and had one bait stolen by a sea lion so I was down to two. The first of the two got crushed and released by a nice fish. The next bait........ and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ the clicker is screaming. I pop the reel in gear and the sleigh ride is on. I lost a couple fish in this same area a few days back and was very greatful that this fish made a long first run straight out to open water. The fish towed me a couple hundred yards and then sounded looking for cover. Too late amigo belong to me. Several more runs later a very tired Yellowtail comes to yak side. I sunk the gaff and slid the fish onto my lap. Victory was mine. Game clip on and secured. The winning fish just came into my yak.

I tried calling Jim again to let him know what was happening. I still couldn't reach him. I finally made the decision to go for the launch and some ice instead of trying to find JIm. SORRY BRO!!!

The paddle back to the launch took an hour and a half. Thank god I hooked up early at the spot or I would not have made the weigh in. It took an hour to make it to the spot....20 minutes to boat the fish....and then another hour and a half to make it back.

5th time was the charm for this tourney. I try and learn new stuff all the time about fishing and some techniques I found out just recently sure seemed to make the day for me this time.

The fish took 1st place Yellowtail division and biggest fish of the Tournament. A great day on the water.
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