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Old 10-01-2009, 07:11 PM   #1
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Posts: 999
Can I get an Amen?

When a man finds something he is truly passionate about he will over come anything that stands in the way of him and that passion.

Who of us here are truly passionate about kayak fishing?

For some it is one of many hobbies, their kayak is just another toy.

For others it is something more.

For some it is truly a passion.

It is those men who have spent sometime on the front line.

It is those men who will be there again at almost any cost.

They feel that connected to their right to pursue their passion.

Everyone with a stake in the passion, anyone who may loose any degree of freedom to pursue their passion, owes a debt to these men.

Kayak fishing is more than just a hobby to these men.

They must spend time on the water.

It is where they are re-fueled, spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Many have given in different ways; donated money, written letters and emails, signed petitions

But now there is only one way to defend your passion and to support those who have been fighting our battle on the front line.

The only way to make an impact now is to join together and make a last stand.

We need every one regardless of your degree of passion.

We need to show unity and we need to be overwhelming.

We will be respectful and be heard, it is all we can do.

Our freedoms will be infringed upon to say the least.

When all is said and done kayak fishing will never have the same freedoms to access all the waters that we currently enjoy.

But we must give our last chance to fight our best shot.

I for one will continue to pursue my passion one way or another.

But it is a clear possibility that if WG2’s proposed map does not pass, that kayak fishing will never be the same.

So what do you say?

Are you willing to join the few?

Are you willing to make the sacrifice of one day in your life?

One day that’s all we ask.

One day to wear your passion on you sleeve.

Show the world how we feel.

Show that we are passionate about our freedoms and willing to be civil in the defense of those freedoms and in the pursuit of our passion.

October 21, 2009
Long Beach Hilton
710 Ocean Blvd.

All Day!
Hundreds of Black Shirts!
Bring your kids!
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