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Old 10-08-2009, 11:23 AM   #65
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: san diego
Posts: 33
Just watched the video and you guys kick ass. Thank you for your efforts - it's great when you see how difference they actually make.

It was really eye opening to hear the one councilwoman admit how little informed of the whole process and impact on local business that the MLPA is going to have. The personalization approach was the way to go. Enviros plea to people's emotions about the welfare of fisheries, but it was moreso effective to elaborate on the impact on the local economy and how in turn that will have a devastating affect on families, heritage, and culture. That study by about the fishery health was paramount. We should have more science ready, or at least know what they will cite as examples of their scientific evidence, so that we can counter or undermine their arguments.

One thing that keeps being overlooked is this idea of compromise. The enviros constantly push the argument that they've conceded and compromised so much already....well what are they conceding exactly. On the other aisle, people are conceding business, jobs, livelihoods, family and community heritage, the local culture...almost an entire industry. How is that given the same weight as the enviro motives? It's lead for gold.

Great stuff at this meeting. I will definitely be there on the 21st to join in battle.
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