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Old 10-30-2009, 06:53 AM   #3
Holy Mackerel
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X 2 , this is good, please use this... if you havent emailed yet do so now! remember to CC

Originally Posted by FISHIONADO View Post
Too many of you have done nothing. This forum has 2,871 members registered.

It would be a shame if we get outnumbered and outplayed because too many kayak fishermen and fisherwomen couldn't take the time to send an email. While I disagree with the Map 3 folks, I have to admire their tactics. Busing in hundreds of middle school children to fill half the Long Beach meeting with Map 3 t-shirts was brilliant. Disingenuous, but brilliant. Those same kids that are typically not familiar with the issues might be writing letters and emails. The pro Map 3 groups are leveraging their resources. Send an email and encourage your friends.

Here's mine if you want to borrow any part of it.

Subject: South Coast comment for BRTF

Dear Members of the Blue Ribbon Task Force,

I am writing in support of Map 2. I believe it has the appropriate balance of conservation and consumption, and it meets all of the science guidelines. The other proposals fall short of SAT guidelines (deep water rock and pinnacles at Del Mar) yet have a big impact on San Diego’s heritage of recreational fishing and it’s local fishing related economy. Map 2 has the most cross interest support, and the buy-in of consumptive fishermen. San Diego’s fishing community has a history of actively supporting conservation issues and enthusiastically following DFG regulations to manage the species. La Jolla is especially important to kayak anglers with it’s protected launch, and kayak anglers are environmentally friendly using human powered vessels. Please support Map 2 for the Southern California MLPA process.

Thank you,

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