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Old 11-04-2009, 08:30 AM   #2
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I modified one that had been sent out...see below

Dear Members of the Blue Ribbon Task Force,

I am writing in support of Map 2, WG2, and Option 4. I believe it has the appropriate balance of conservation and consumption, and it meets all of the science guidelines. The other proposals fall short of SAT guidelines (deep water rock and pinnacles at Del Mar) yet have a big impact on lace on San Diego’s heritage of recreational fishing and its local fishing related economy. WG2 option 4 has the most cross interest support and the buy-in of consumptive fishermen.ffice

At one time in my life I choose to become a fisherman. My first job, was working for Frank Hale on the Seal Beach Pier, I was 18 or 19 years old. My first attempt at deckhand almost cost me my right arm. I forgot to let of the chain while launching the anchor. While learning the tricks of the trade, Ed Leyland, Mike Reed, Bob Ezhel and many other Captains showed me how and why to respect the waters of which we ate and earned our living, those same rules apply today. I don’t take what we won’t eat, and we put back the short ones. Not that hard…

Today I am 51 years old and still fish and still practice good fishing management. I have a 15 year old daughter, Sierra Lynn, who at age 8 caught her first limit of Bass on the City of Seal Beachlace. She owns her own Kayak where she has taught many of her classmates how to safely paddle in and around the southern Californian coastal waters. Jasmine who’s is now 5, has ventured out on many kayaking trips sitting onto of the gator seat on our Malibu X Factor, soon our very newest will be taught to respect the waters that we spend so much time swimming fishing sailing kayaking and simply enjoying our god given playground.

There are many fishing communities that have a solid history of supporting conservation issues and enthusiastically following DFG regulations to manage the species. Many of us have not only been fishing our entire lives, but are passing it on to our children, and by doing that, we are teaching them to be conservatives and respect not only the ocean, but it's creatures as well. With the various programs geared towards our youth, such as Take a Kid Fishing, Friends of Rollo, it is easy so see why preserving fishing for our children should be a high priority, and fishing people know that; we practice catch and release, we don't keep undersized fish, and we abide by the regulations put in place to allow for a sustainable fishery.

Kayak anglers are environmentally friendly using human powered vessels. We don't have props that can damage kelp. We have no use for oil or gasoline, so you can be assured we are not polluting our oceans. We don't litter the ocean; in fact we are known to pick up trash, since we are so close to waters' edge. We don't harass sea creatures because essentially we are on the same playing field as them. We understand this; we are out there to not only fish and feed our family, but to interact with nature, the environment, and our love for the ocean. A bonus is that we are being physically active in a safe environment, without doing any damage to that same environment we cherish.

We don't go out to fish to feed the entire neighborhood, just our family. We don't fill our kayaks with fish; we probably take home less fish than any other groups besides spearfishers.

Please support WG 2 for the Southern Californialace MLPA process.

Thank you,

John F Balderrama and Family
Aka Malibujohnny
Malibu Johnny
must catch fish
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