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Old 11-09-2009, 10:04 AM   #21
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 19

got plenty of work buddy. i am not hurting for money,So get outa here with the whole next months rent thing ..
Your assuming an awful lot for someone who don't even know me..
maybe if you knew who i was you would not be assuming so much now would ya.?

Maybe i just upgraded myself with a better yak and i am just trying to get rid of this extra hunk of plastic in the garage. could it be possible that two yaks is taking up to much room.??

someone on here has a friend or a family member or even a son, or even a new comer who has been lurking around looking for the right deal..
would be interested in a good deal such as this one.
there are lots of lurkers that come here.."people who are not registered with a user name that just come by to check out reports"

MAYBE i am just that nice of a guy to cut someone with such a great deal...?

Obviously somebody who has a hobie its not gonna be an upgrade you think i am trying to sell to them personally..

Originally Posted by robmandel View Post
that is a helluva deal. chances are,

most guys around here are already on the water. and for most, I'd guess it's not really a step up, though the P15 is a great boat for sure.

things are slow right now (10.2%, yeah the stimulus is working just freaking wonders ) and that whole holiday season thing is coming up. you got it outfitted pretty good. my guess is you've spent some quality hours on the thing too. unless you're destitute, keep it. $650 is just ludicrous. (by the way, I've got a P13 and a T15 in the garage. so, I wouldn't need it at even $100.)

you're going to miss it a helluva lot more and unless it's this month's rent (and then again, what are you going to do for next month's??) I can't see what you're gonna get for $650 that's worth what that thing can do. and, it'll cost you a ton to replace and get back to something close to that.

good luck though. maybe craigslist? is offline