Thread: Thank you
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Old 11-11-2009, 04:33 PM   #24
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: San Diego
Posts: 7
I don't think civil disobedience will do it, but I'll start there. Also, remember to write to your elected officials and let them know that you'll be voting against them because they failed to protect our rights.

I've taken three oaths in my life. One I reaffirm every Sunday at church. I'm a Lutheran and I believe in Jesus. Second, I have an oath to my wife, which I've upheld for 13 years and hope to uphold for 13 more at least. And finally, as a Soldier, I've sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.

If only our elected officials would uphold the Constitution as well. Get ready for the continuing onslaught of degradation of your civil rights. Guns, hunting, any outdoor activities other than bird watching, anything that burns gasoline in the environment, anything that contributes to global warming.

Our fishing areas are only a small part of the changes that are occurring around us. At some point, we as outdoorsmen and women need to band together. Hunters, hikers, motorcyclists, anyone who does not believe in total preservation of resources needs to, MUST, band together. Otherwise, they will know us off one hobby at a time.

We need to think mid term elections and let the government know that we are interested and are willing to make a stand.

We need a coalition of groups to support each other. Without a significant number of voters we have no power.

Anyhow, let me know where to protest. Please don't hate me for the bit of soapbox bs at the start there.
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