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Old 11-18-2009, 08:50 PM   #13
nunyabizness1's Avatar
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Nunya
Posts: 126
Thanks Paul for all your work and for representing us throughout this entire process. It wasn't easy to hold back and watch all the efforts get tossed aside just to suit Meg's agenda. I don't understand how the others on the BRTF allowed her to use them as her puppets. It just isn't right! Something's gotta give here.

I can't believe that these people can sleep at night knowing what a detriment their decisions are going to cause this state. And for the teachers who gave extra credit to those students to show up and support Meg's agenda, these teachers are soon going to find out how that decision is going to further impact the state's budget cuts in education. The cuts are not over! The state of California cannot sustain any more debt! Meg got her degrees through a pretty high-end education process. Yet she has no problem hurting the state's budget and further impacting the future of our children's education with the decisions on these closures.

Ok, I came here to post a thank you and went off on a rant. Sorry for that. Yes, I do appreciate all you have done to make things right and I wish your efforts were better rewarded with the best options and decisions made by the BRTF for the good of all.
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