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Old 11-22-2009, 04:12 PM   #6
Olivenhain Bob
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According to the UT, the guy was pissed because the sea lion kept taking his fish. Good thing that never happens off La Jolla.

Protecting marine mammals is a good idea that has resulted in some unintended consequences. Before we became so civilized, marine mammal populations were kept in check by natural predators such as sharks and even bears or mountain lions. Many of these natural predators are now gone so the seal and seal lion populations have increased to the point where have become a nuisance to humans.

A couple familiar examples come to mind. The cute seals have won out over human children at the Children's Pool, (soon to be officially known as the "Casa Marine Mammal Preserve". The sea lions are no dummies. The have learned that it is much easier to steal bait and hooked fish from fishermen rather than earning their lunch the way it has been done for many thousands of years before Man interfered.

Now I am not suggesting that the protections that seals and sea lions currently enjoy be removed. I am suggesting, however, that we need to keep things in prospective when addressing this issue. Seals and sea lions have become a nuisance because of Man's behavior.

If we stay on the path we are currently following it is entirely possible that some local fisheries may become decimated. Not as a result of over-fishing by humans but from marine mammal overpopulation.

It's something to think about.

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