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Old 11-23-2009, 12:00 PM   #13
Guerro Grande
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Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 629
One of the reports on this incident mentioned that the California sea lion population is exploding. They said that a record 59,000 were born in 2008. I'm not sure if that was just in this state or throughout their range. Either way, that's a lot of dogs. I have a feeling that the GWS birth rate is nowhere near that of the sea lions. It will probably be decades before the GWS shark population comes into any sort of equilibrium with the sea lions. Until then, there will be lots of hungry sea lion out there. The promise of MPA's allowing fish stocks to recover will likely never be realized if the sea lion population is out of control. Ten years from now, when we have dwindling fish stocks and lots of fat sea lion, the DFG will probably decide that the MPA's just weren't big enough to protect the poor little fishies and they will close the entire coast.
Douglas Gaxiola
Team No Fish- Amateur Staff
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