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Old 11-24-2009, 06:36 PM   #19
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Santa Ana/But moving to Elsinore
Posts: 32
as mentioned already Tman, animals that attack man and even our pets are hunted down and killed to insure the publics' safety. hell a coyote is seen walking around and we hear about it on the news and DFG go's out to scare them away!

now some of you guys have mentioned seals and sea lions getting very aggressive (and i have had my own run-ins with them). for example Matt's recounting of the tug-a-war and the charging seal when he was on the beach! if a coyote or a mountain lion had done that it would have been hunted down and shot the moment it came to light. that type of learned behavior can become VERY dangerous to man. so why is it when we have a seal or sea loin doing the same thing we don't kill it?

on more then one occasion had a seal eying me as though i was invading his feeding grounds. and for a moment i thought he might jump onto my yak as though i was challenging him. and we all know what happens when you look a wild animal in the eye or it thinks you are challenging it.

so i say if a seal or sea lion shows aggressive action to any human that animal should be put down to insure the safety of all.
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