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Old 12-09-2009, 10:58 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Gotta Save Dana too...

I attended this morning's meeting with the
DFG commissioners.

I was given a minute to speak. I spoke to the issue
of closing off laguna bch, proposed by the Blue
Ribbon Task Force. I said, Anglers leaving the DP marina heading
toward Laguna would be forced to fish Dana instead.

I also pointed out that an opposition speaker prior to me
showed the commission--via visual maps--that there
were only two fishing spots in Dana, and that that was enough.
So, I concluded to the commission, that Dana fishing would soon
be wiped out since all the would-be laguna fishermen would be left with only two spots in Dana--along with the rest of us.
This would clean us out of fish and endanger our safety
by crowding us in.

I figured since this made-up map made such an impact, why expose the truth about this propagenda map?

I didn't have time to tell them Their Science Stinks since it was bought
and paid for by the opposition. And I didn't have time to tell them the
real resason why Laguna Bch residents are in favor of total closure:
To free up parking spaces on their streets. Little old ladies really don't want to "feel good" knowing there's fish off their coast, they want to park their cars in front of their homes, then they'll feel good.

This process of open hearing with the DFG seems it might be more fair
and open with us fishermen. There will be at least three more meetings
before the commissioners make their final recommendations. We were told
that should happen by next DEC.

I noticed more LA radio presence and LA local TV news presence.
That's a good thing since California is broke and its broke residence
should be less likely to support more govt spending.

And, there were many fishermen speakers who referred to "hidden meetings, and hidden agendas with the Blue Ribbon Task Force run by Wiseman."

Funny, cause I walked by Wiseman at the end of the meeting and overheard him lamenting, "I never attend any hidden meetings..."
Thanks for your support and help.
Yani, Stop MLPA-Gate
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